Download ps2 car fighting game
Download ps2 car fighting game

download ps2 car fighting game

As valid as these criticisms are, they are not that relevant in this day and age, particularly for PS Plus Premium subscribers. Consequently, this release can feel like a glorified expansion rather than a proper sequel. That's not to say Ridge Racer 2 has nothing new to offer, just that the additions come in the form of tracks rather than mechanics. RELATED: Best PS5 Games On PlayStation Plus Premium & Extra The 2006 sequel is not quite as decorated, but that primarily comes down to a lack of notable additions and improvements rather than a decline in quality. The PSP kept up this trend with Ridge Racer, which is still among the highest-rated games on the console. The franchise's games often acted as showcases of a console's hardware, all the while being very good arcade racers in their own right.

download ps2 car fighting game

Up until the PS3 era, Ridge Racer was a staple of Sony's PlayStation launch lineups.

Download ps2 car fighting game